Metabolic Drive Protein

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Metabolic Drive
Protein 2 lb
Award Winning Gourmet Protein
  • Highest Quality Super-Clean Formula.
  • Contains Hormone-Free Whey Isolate and Micellar Casein.
  • Made with Gluten-Free Ingredients.

Gourmet Protein Shake Recipes
  • Whey Isolate
  • Micellar Casein
Metabolic Drive protein has been a bestseller for over a decade. It's the industry's gold standard for high quality, elite-level nutrition. And it tastes so good that gourmet food companies, high-end smoothie bars and upscale coffee shops use it to make their products. Metabolic Drive is their "secret ingredient" for pleasing customers and delivering a truly gourmet experience that's impossible to get from solid foods alone.
Metabolic Drive protein not only tastes as good as a decadent milkshake, it also provides a blend of the most technically advanced and highest-quality proteins available anywhere – making it the ultimate muscle building, performance-enhancing gourmet nutrition:
  • If your goal is fat loss,simply replacing a meal or two every day with a with a Metabolic Drive shake will help you shed excess fat with no feelings of deprivation.
  • If your goal is to build muscle and strength,adding a couple of Metabolic Drive shakes per day will give your body the extra protein it needs to build muscle and perform at its best.
  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla
  • Strawberry
  • Banana
Our Premium Protein Blend
  • Whey Isolate – Fast Acting with BCAAs:The formula's whey isolate is gently membrane filtered to minimize lactose, carbohydrate, and fat, then instantized for superior dispersibility. It's a rich source of branched-chain amino acids and one of the faster-acting proteins, making it ideal for jumpstarting the muscle-building process.
  • Micellar Casein – Ideal for Building Muscle:The micellar casein in Metabolic Drive is also gently membrane filtered. Even though it's more slowly digested, it has a distinct advantage over whey isolate due to its ability to amplify nitrogen retention, and increased nitrogen retention is essential for muscle performance. This factor alone makes micellar casein the ideal muscle-building protein.
Why You Need More Protein
Whether your goal is fat loss, muscle gain, or both, adding more protein to your diet will always get you closer to your goal. Here's why:
  1. Diets higher in protein lead to greater fat loss. One reason for this is because protein is filling. It satisfies hunger, naturally leading to reduced calorie intake. Protein is actually the most effective appetite suppressant. On top of that, it's very difficult for your body to convert protein into body fat, even at very high amounts. That means you can eat a lot of it, feel more satiated, and still lose fat.
  2. Protein has a higher thermic effect than the other two macronutrients, almost double in fact. In short, your body burns more calories digesting protein than it does with dietary fat or carbs. Eating protein is thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate. This means greater fat loss when dieting and less fat gain when overfeeding in order to build muscle.
  3. Without adequate protein, muscle building is halted, strength gains are slow or even nonexistent, and athletic performance is hampered.
  4. Protein is not only essential for building muscle, it's also essential for preserving muscle and keeping your metabolism revved up. Without a steady supply of amino acids from protein, the body breaks down its own proteins from lean muscle in order to meet this demand. A diet higher in protein prevents this.
The lesson? If you want to get lean, get big, get strong, or dominate your sport, there's one simple rule that'll help you achieve your goal: consume more protein!
Gourmet Protein Recipes
Desserts and Goodies
Dessert Pizza
Low-Carb Mug Cake
PB&J Protein Parfait
Giant PB&J Cookie
High-Protein Oatmeal & Apple Cookies
Iced Mocha
Superfood Smoothie
Strawberry-Banana Daiquiri
Peach Cobbler
Strawberry Shortcake
The Waker Upper
Healthy Gainer Shake
Custom Made to Fit Your Goals
We want you to be able to custom-make any of these shakes to fit into your current goals, from fat loss to muscle gain. But to get you started, here are the numbers you need for most of the "base" recipes:
Macronutrients | 1 Scoop | 2 Scoops | 3 Scoops
Calories | 110 | 220 | 330
Protein | 21 g | 42 g | 63 g
Carbohydrate | 4 g | 8 g | 12 g
Fat | 1 g | 2 g | 3 g
How to Make Your Perfect Protein Shake
  1. Use a blender. While Metabolic Drive mixes easily with a spoon or in a shaker bottle, nothing beats a blended protein shake, especially if you add ice. Just about any blender will do the trick at home, but if you work in a setting that allows it, pick up a travel blender. These are portable, single-serving blenders that fit into a desk drawer. And with most models, the pitcher can be used as a cup. They only run about $20 and come in very handy.
  2. Add ice or make ice cream. Almost any protein shake recipe is better when blended with ice. Add a lot of ice and reduce the amount of liquid called for in the recipe and you'll have a spoon-ready, high-protein ice cream.
  3. Adjust the amount of liquid to your personal preference. Some people like a thin shake; others like them thick. Feel free to adjust the liquid amounts in any of these recipes to fit your preference.
  4. Master your flavors. Remember, when using extra ice, water, milk, juice, or almond milk, you'll slightly dilute the flavor of the other ingredients, so adjust accordingly. For example, if a recipe calls for peppermint extract but you prefer to make your shake with lots of ice or more water than called for, you'll need to add a little extra peppermint to achieve the same flavor intensity.
  5. Adjust the calories and macros. You'll notice that we didn't include calorie counts in these recipes. Why? Because many of these recipes provide you with options that would not change the calorie and macronutrient (protein, carbohydrate and fat) profiles.
Dessert Pizza

If you're interested in building muscle, being lean, and actually enjoying food that supports those goals, then our protein dessert pizza is for you. The recipe consists of an oatmeal vanilla crust topped with cream cheese and raspberry frosting. Both are protein packed using Metabolic Drive Vanilla.
Cut into 8 slices, which provides about 25 grams of protein per slice.
Crust Ingredients:
  • 4 scoops Metabolic Drive Vanilla
  • 1 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 whole egg
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond or cashew milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup Splenda, depending on how sweet you want it
  • A splash of vanilla extract
  • Liberal amounts of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, or pumpkin pie spice blend
Crust Directions:
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix the crust ingredients together.
  3. Line a pizza pan with parchment paper and coat it lightly with coconut oil spray or whatever you have handy.
  4. Spoon out the batter onto the middle of the pan, then gently spread. Try to create an evenly distributed circle. Don’t go too thin otherwise your pizza won't be pick-up-able.
  5. Bake for about 12 minutes. Time and temp may vary depending on your oven, and how thin you spread the crust.
  6. Let the crust cool completely before adding toppings.
Topping Ingredients:
  • 4 scoops Metabolic Drive Vanilla
  • 1 brick (8 ounces) low-fat cream cheese
  • 6 tablespoons unsweetened almond or cashew milk
  • 2 big handfuls of your favorite frozen berries
Topping Directions:
  1. Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl except the berries. Once the frosting has a smooth texture, add the berries and mix.
  2. Spread topping evenly over the cooled crust.
  3. Slice into eight pieces and let it chill in the fridge until you're ready to dig in.
  1. You can add nuts, coconut flakes, or dark chocolate chips to the crust batter, or the frosting.
  2. Use whatever milk you want. The unsweetened almond and cashew stuff just saves you a few calories and adds slightly more creaminess than water. Don't use it because it's nutritious – it's not much better than water. Use it because it doesn't contain lactose or added sugar.
  3. If you don't want sweetness other than what's in the protein powder, skip the Splenda and add one tablespoon of coconut flour to compensate for the dryness of the sugar substitute.
  4. For the topping, I use low-fat cream cheese, but use whatever kind you want.
  5. The cream cheese frosting can be used with any kind of dessert – think protein cookies, cakes, muffins, or waffles. It's also perfect as a dip for fruit.
  6. Feel free to use fresh fruit. You don't even have to mix it into the frosting, just arrange it on top. Frozen fruit needs to be mixed in because as it thaws the natural juice will separate a little, which is actually pretty when mixed into the frosting.
Iced Mocha

  • 1 Scoop Metabolic Drive Vanilla
  • 1 Scoop Metabolic Drive Chocolate
  • 14 oz Almond Milk (unsweetened) or Water
  • Coffee Cubes made from brewed coffee frozen in ice-cube tray
  • 1 Tablespoon Organic Heavy Whipping Cream*
  • Cinnamon (optional)
*Organic heavy whipping cream is much creamier and more flavorful than standard heavy cream. It's worth the extra cost for this recipe.
  1. In advance, freeze brewed coffee in an ice-cube tray.
  2. Blend Metabolic Drive with almond milk or water.
  3. Pour into a glass, and stir in heavy cream.
  4. Add a handful of coffee cubes and a dash of cinnamon on top.
Without Coffee Cubes:
  1. Blend Metabolic Drive with almond milk or water.
  2. Add 1-2 servings of instant coffee or espresso powder, blend with ice.
  3. Pour into a glass, and stir in heavy cream.
  4. Add a dash of cinnamon on top.
White Mocha:
  1. In advance, freeze brewed coffee in an ice-cube tray.
  2. Blend 2 scoops of Metabolic Drive vanilla with almond milk or water.
  3. Pour into a glass, and stir in heavy cream.
  4. Add a handful of coffee cubes and top with low-sugar whipped cream.
Superfood Smoothie

Even if you're a health conscious eater, it's nearly impossible to get a wide variety of the healthiest fruits, exotic berries and nutrient-dense vegetables every day, at least not in the amounts needed to have a hyper-nourishing effect. Biotest Superfood solves that problem by using 18 incredibly potent, freeze-dried super extracts of whole fruits and vegetables and concentrating them down into a tasty 5 gram serving. It's great by itself in a glass of water (it tastes like an unsweetened berry tea) but it's even better blended into a protein shake.
  • 2 Scoops Metabolic Drive Vanilla
  • 2 Scoops Biotest Superfood
  • 16 oz Cold Water
  • Ice (optional)
  1. Blend all the ingredients together and live forever.
Strawberry-Banana Daiquiri

  • 1 Scoop Metabolic Drive Strawberry
  • 1 Scoop Metabolic Drive Banana
  • 1 Small Frozen Banana, Sliced
  • 16 oz Cold Water
  1. Slice fresh banana and strawberries, place in a container and freeze.
  2. Blend frozen banana and strawberries with the other ingredients.
With Kiwi:
  1. Use 2 Scoops of Metabolic Drive Strawberry.
  2. Blend with 1 fresh kiwi (peeled) and ice.
Peach Cobbler

  • 2 Scoops Metabolic Drive Vanilla
  • 6-8 oz Frozen Peaches*
  • Add to Taste Cinnamon
  • 14 oz Cold Water
*This recipe can also be made with canned peaches. Buy the variety packed in water (no added sugar), then use the water left in the can to make your shake. Add extra water and ice as needed.
  1. Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy.
Strawberry Shortcake

  • 2 Scoops Metabolic Drive Strawberry
  • 2-3 Large Fresh Strawberries (diced)
  • 1/2 oz Sugar-Free Instant Pudding Mix Vanilla
  • 16 oz Cold Water
  • Handful Ice
  1. Blend and enjoy.
The Waker Upper

  • 2 Scoops Metabolic Drive Chocolate or Vanilla
  • 1-2 Servings Instant Espresso Powder
  • 16 oz Cold Water
  • Handful Ice (optional)
  1. Blend all the ingredients together and wake up!
PB & J

  • 1 1/2 Scoops Metabolic Drive Vanilla
  • 1/2 Scoops Metabolic Drive Strawberry
  • 1-2 Tablespoons Natural Peanut Butter
  • 16 oz Cold Water
  • Handful Ice (optional)
With Grape Jelly Flavor:
  • 2 Scoops Metabolic Drive Vanilla
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Intensified Liquid Flavoring Grape
  • 1-2 Tablespoons Natural Peanut Butter
  • 16 oz Cold Water
  • Handful Ice (optional)
  1. Blend and enjoy!
Healthy Gainer Shake

Most people don't simply want to gain "weight" – they want to gain muscle. The problem with most so-called gainer shakes on the market is that you end up gaining mostly fat. That's because they contain tons of sugar or other cheap filler ingredients. For our gainer shake, we're adding healthy calorie-dense foods. Blended with water, the shake provides about 650 clean, quality calories.
This shake is very easy to adjust based on the number of extra calories you're looking to add to your nutrition plan. Simply add more or less banana, nut butter, or Metabolic Drive, adjusting the amount of liquid as necessary.
  • 3 Scoops Metabolic Drive Chocolate or Vanilla
  • 1 Banana
  • 2 Tablespoons Natural Peanut Butter
  • 24 oz Cold Water, Almond Milk, or Skim Milk
  • Handful Ice
  1. Blend all the ingredients together and fuel your gains!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
